Smart Business Cleveland
2017 Smart Business Family Business Achievement Awards
September 2017 | Download PDF

2017 Smart Business Family Business Achievement Awards Honors Zashin & Rich
When Andrew A. and Stephen S. Zashin joined Zashin & Rich in the 1990s, the firm was a small domestic relations firm. Today, Zashin & Rich Co. LP.A. has 30 attorneys and represents employers in aspects of workplace law, including labor, employment and workers’ compensation, and high net worth individuals in all aspects of family law, such as divorce, dissolution and child custody.
Robert Zashin, a founding partner, provided a platform from which Andrew and Stephen, co-managing partners, grew the firm into one of the most sophisticated firms in these practice areas. Robert recognized the strength of his sons’ desire to grow the practice and stepped away from firm management in early 2000. Since that time, the firm has experienced exponential growth. Today the firm competes with national labor and employment law boutiques in workplace law practice, and represents large and small businesses, nonprofits and public sector entities locally and nationally. It provides personalized guidance, contract negotiations and litigation defense concerning all aspects of traditional labor law, employment law and workers’ compensation.
The family law practice represents clients locally and globally on international family law matters including divorce, child custody, relocation and support and property division. Zashin & Rich is philosophically dedicated to obtaining optimum results for all its clients under their unique circumstances in stressful and emotionally charged matters in the workplace and with their families.